Monday, November 1, 2010

Good Practice Again Boys!

Well, we did it again, another great practice yesterday... I'm introducing lots of new technical skills and your up for the challenge! 

Boys, I hope you could feel what I saw out there - with every rep of every drill, you were getting better and better with the Step-Over and the Cruyff!  KEEP IT UP! 

Practice these two moves on your own during the week so that next Sunday's practice will be even better.  At this time of year we are only together for an hour-and-a-half per week, so you need to practice on your own during the week what you are learning on Sunday's ... this is why I loaded the youtube videos last week... for you to watch them, study them, and then practice them... Trust me, mastering these skills will raise you from being a good player to being a GREAT player...

In the meantime here is a Best of Cristiano Ronaldo video for you to enjoy... do you recognize any of those moves we are practicing?!  Yes, the Beautiful Game! This video is sick!!

So, see you next Sunday - same time, same place
...and remember, TOUCH THE BALL EVERYDAY!

Coach Jim