Friday, December 24, 2010


Hi everyone, let me take a few moments to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year ... with many U11 Wizards Wins!  ;-)

Also, a special thank you to all (players and parents) for your hard work, commitment, encouragement and support.  The success we will have in 2011 will come from all of our combined efforts!

As always, I found a few videos for you to enjoy until we start up again in January...

Video 1 is from the Pro Am Soccer Coaching / Coerver Coaching Essex Academy... I love this video because its shows kids working hard, and sometimes making mistakes too!  The ball skills we worked on in the fall are all in this vid... lots of difficult moves, but lots of simple small things as well... the most important to me is that you can see the kids working hard - no standing around, all paying attention and in line on their toes ready for their next turn... This is the type of pace and tempo our practices will have!

Video 2 is called FIFA World Cup 2002 - Top Ten Super Skills... check it out!  Not all moves turn into goals, but sometimes the moves are so good the defender has no choice but to commit a foul! ...again all the things we have worked on are in this video as well...

Also, I wanted to give you the link to the FIFA Ferenc Puskas Award nominees for the most beautiful goal of the year... This is why soccer is called the beautiful game!

It's not a secret that I'm a big Arsenal fan... check out this video of the Arsenal Goals of the Year!

Finally, the Best of Cristiano Ronaldo video seems to be everyone's favorite so I thought I would post it again.

So, have a great holiday and see you in 2011 at the indoor season ( I will be coaching a team with Coach Anthony Vadacchino), and at our Team Development Sessions... I'm looking forward to a great 2011 with the team!

PS. I was told it's NOT TO LATE to register for the Team Development Sessions... registrations will be accepted up to the week before the Sessions begin...

Coach Jim

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Boys, pls read this article... something to think about!

Hi Boys, I found this article about Samir Nasri (a 23 year old Arsenal FC midfielder), and what he says about how he plays soccer and how he has grown as a player is very interesting... I find it inspiring and I hope you do as well... Here are a few quotes from the article:

"Sometimes it is just something in your head, you think you can do it, you manage it once or twice and then you say 'yes, it is possible'.

When I am in front of a goalkeeper, I am more relaxed now, before I felt too much pressure to score, I wanted it too much maybe.

Now I don't worry as much, I am more at ease with the game and I am not looking for goals, I am looking to work for the team.

If you feel like that, the opportunities come along naturally. I think more with my head - things are 90% in your head and everything else comes after that.

If you can see things earlier, you can anticipate the pass, the shot, everything like that."

 You see, the very best soccer players have a certain "magic"... they can visualize and they can anticipate where the ball will be and what they will do next with it...

So, when you hear me yelling: "ANTICIPATE WHERE THE BALL WILL BE", or "WHERE IS THE BALL GOING?" - this is what I'm taking about! ...This article is just something for you to read and think about...

BTW, Nasri was just voted as French Player of the Year for 2010...

Keep in touch...
Coach Jim

PS: 10 Days Till Christmas!!!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

OFF-SEASON PROGRAM UPDATE: Team Development Sessions to start January 19, 2011

Hi Parents and Players, I'm excited to inform you that our Team's Off-Season Program will continue in January with formal Team Development Sessions.

The sessions, designed by the WSC's Technical Department (Coach Rob), are part of the Club's continued focus toward player and coaching development. This will be an 8 week program focusing on the team and our prospective players. All sessions will be indoor at the WSC and are scheduled from 6 pm to 7:30 pm. Cost is $100 per player for the 8 weeks.

Our sessions will be on Wednesdays, beginning January 19 and we are fortunate to be training with Coach Frank DeChellis and his U12 SRSL Team... our boys will benefit greatly from training with the older SRSL boys.

All participating players must register at the Welland Soccer Club, 469 Rice Road, Welland before December 21, 2010. Office hours: 2-9 pm Monday through Thursday. DEC 24 UPDATE: IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER! REGISTRATION OPEN UNTIL THE WEEK BEFORE SESSIONS START.

The Team Development Sessions are not mandatory but are highly recommended if you are trying out for the team. The more opportunity each player has to train with the coaches prior to the selection of the team, allows the coaches to make a more informed player evaluation, and to ultimately make the best and right decisions for the team.

The Team Development Sessions are not try-outs. I will schedule formal final try-outs following the Team Development Sessions. The sessions are open to all Y2K boys who are serious about trying out for the team, so please invite your friends and give them my contact info!

Coach Jim