Thursday, February 3, 2011

Confirming Next Try-out is Monday, Feb 7 at WSC

Hi all, to confirm, the next Try-out is this coming Monday, February 7 between 6:00-7:30 pm, indoor at the WSC. This will be the first of three indoor try-out sessions at the WSC (Feb 7, 14, 21). I am very grateful that Coaches Rob Lalama and Gerry D'Angelo, from the Club's Technical Department will be joining us at the dome.

As always, please ensure players have indoor soccer shoes, shin pads and wear WHITE SHIRTS (no club gear). Cost for dome rental is $5.00 per session, it would be appreciated if you could pay the $15.00 at the first session.

Note: These three sessions at WSC are in addition to our Wednesday Try-outs at Glendale.

SPECIAL REQUEST: Please send me an email to , ranking by preference, which positions you would like to play (i.e. Forward, Midfield, Defender, Goal Keeper)... rank all four position groups. All players on this team will be encouraged to play all positions. Specifically for now though, we need to know who would like to play Keeper at some time. This does not mean a player will be "pigeon-holed" or "stuck" playing Keeper..Those interested in playing Keeper will get Keeper-specific traning from Coach Gerry and we will have the services of a Guest Goal Keeping Specialist Coach throughout the year... I need to receive your personal positional rankings no later than this Sunday morning.

Lastly, and NOT related to our team try-outs or the WSC, there is a Futsal pick-up program at Ridley College on Sundays between 1:00-3:00pm. The cost is $5.00 per session. There is no coaching or drills - but there is lots of music! The players that show up are divided into teams and play "to-the-beat" for fun. It's great exercise for the kids. Ronaldino has credited Futsal as a big part of the development of his ball controll skills! For more information call Clayton at 289-214-1414.

Coach Jim