Monday, February 21, 2011

Team Plans - Coaches Thoughts

Hi Players and Parents, I wanted to take a few minutes to give you an update on my ideas and plans for the team...

First, let me say thanks for all your hard work and support. We are roughly half way through our team try-outs and development... many of the boys have stepped up in a big way... Coach Marty and I are very pleased... as I have said before, keep working hard and make sure Coach Marty and I have no easy decisions! It has been great!   ...and a special thanks to Coach Marty - he has been invaluable!

We will continue with Wednesdays at Glendale School (Feb 23, March, 2, 9, 23 and 30 - March Break Wednesday the 16th OFF). On Tuesday, March 29 we will have the dome to ourselves from 6:00-7:00pm for a game where we will divide the players into two teams and have a final try-out evaluation game - Team Marty vs. Team Jim! ...

UPDATE March 1:  We will be making the final decisions on the team roster and informing players and parents at the WSC on Tuesday, March 29, after the evaluation game.

Once the team is set I will formalize the Coaching Staff and Team Manager role... We will focus on team building activities. I want to organize activities such as a Team Weekend Retreat at Sherkston, Movie Nights, Swimming & Pizza Parties, and attending CSL games as a Team... We will have special guest coaches at practice from time-to-time... I am looking at a minimum three to four tournaments, one of which will be out-of-town...  To accomplish these things we will need to do fundraising (such as an M&M Barbeque) and I will look to parents to volunteer and organize fundraising... We welcome any and all ideas...

I’m sharing this information with you now so that all potential players and their parents will know what to expect of our coming season together. As well, to let you know that I am 100% committed to create a very strong team dynamic and that parents and players will be expected to support and elevate that spirit.

My hope is that we have a very fun and social summer getting to know each other while supporting each other throughout the soccer season. The collective team spirit and support within our U11 Welland Wizards is what will make our boys soccer experience memorable for years to come!  I hope to be coach of this group for a long time.

As always, please contact me if you have any questions... See you Wednesday night at Glendale!

Coach Jim