Monday, May 30, 2011

Welland Wizards Win Season Opener 7-1 !

Congratulations Boys!  I am speechless and THAT is a first! The Welland Wizards played Barcelona-like tonight!

Your Welland goals brought to you by Dino, Matthew (2), David, Juan (2) and Miguel! 

Take pride and be proud, and always remember this feeling... the feeling you get, not just from winning, but by working so very hard and seeing the results!

Boys, let's have some perspective, it's not about winning... you know in Europe, at your age, they don't even keep score!!!!  Understand that success is measured in many ways... for example: are you growing as a player? are your skills improving? are you having fun?! ........As your coach, I can say: Yes, Yes and Yes - 1000%!   Remember this: during the season we can lose or draw a game - but still show improvement... you see, that is success as well... and we will be just as proud of you!...

So see you at practice tomorrow night- and be prepared to work hard!!!!!!

Coach Jim

PS: Parents who have pictures and video, please share them with me and let me know if you would like them posted on this blog!