Sunday, August 28, 2011

Team Activity - CSL Soccer Game - Free Tickets!

Team Activity - CSL Soccer Game - Capitol City FC @ Roma Wolves 
Sunday September 11, 4:00pm

Hi everyone, we received free tickets (thanks to Liam's Mom Jane) for a Roma Wolves CSL game!  So let's book Sunday, September 11 when the Wolves host Capitol City at Club Roma at 4:00pm...

This is a great opportunity for the boys to get together for a fun night out... lets wear our uniforms and show our team pride!... I am trying to arrange for our players to be involved in the pregame ceremonies/coin toss on the field and possibly a Penalty Shoot Out Contest with another team at half time! ...Will keep you posted!

Maybe we can combine with a Pizza Party?... parents, let me know if you have any ideas.... and please let me know if you can or can't make it...

Coach Jim