Thursday, June 28, 2012

An Interesting Practice

Practice last night was very interesting… towards the end of practice I realized that the next day was the last day of school… ‘nuf said!  We also had a girls team practicing on the field next to us which didn’t help with the concentration levels for drills...

We started with speed and agility drills, using techniques/lessons I have learned from Tuukka (Monday Nights) and Calvin Rosario (Sherkston AM Beach Workouts).  The boys are getting stronger, quicker and faster.  The footwork and conditioning is getting better.  We ended with hill sprints (2 sets of 5) and I was pleasantly surprised with how much the boys enjoy that.  Conditioning Levels really come out with these hill sprints. When I was playing football, I hated “The Hill”, but most of my boys eat it up, which is great.

Because we had use of the large field for practice, I wanted to utilize it for specific tactical work on corners, both attacking and defending.  It was great because we nailed down responsibilities such as signals from the corner taker and near/far post runs, on a field that we play on, using the lines as guides for player positioning.  This is something I don’t think I spend enough time on with the boys so it was important for me to get that work in.  It went well. Hopefully we will be solid defending corners tomorrow night and maybe score a couple as well!

The third phase of practice was a shooting drill and this is where we completely lost focus and concentration. It was ugly, but I know the boys are better shooters than that.  It did get better towards the end, and shooting with the left foot actually exceeded my expectations.  It’s clear though - we need to be much better finishing in front of the net. We will continue to work on that.

As I mentioned at the top, in hindsight, it was a tough night to have a practice on… lots going on in the boys lives, ending the school year and the like. However, I ask parents to emphasize to your sons that concentration and focus must be better at practice.  We have lots of fun and I know the boys are happy to be together and see each other and want to socialize, but there is a time to work as well.  My message to the boys at the end of practice was “you play like you practice”… I told them I had a coach who used to tell us that “you can’t just turn it on like a light switch on game day”.   It’s very true.

That said, the boys truly make me laugh sometimes with their personalities and sense of humour… This is a great group to coach!

See you Friday night in Grimsby… game day instructions to follow…
Coach Jim